List of options for Creo Parametric 11.0 These options you can find in the installation directory (help documentation) of the software: …Creo 11.0\%datacode%\Common Files\help\reference\pma\usascii\configoptions.pdf These configuration options you can use for the application while editing your […]


If you need to copy the parameter value by a mapkey here is the Mapkey: mapkey cv @MAPKEY_NAMECopy Value from Parameter;@MAPKEY_LABELCopy Value;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Command ProCmdMmParams ;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Select relation_dlg ParamsPHLay.ParTable 2 rowPARAMETERNAME value;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Key […]
List of options for Creo Parametric 10.0 These options you can find in the installation directory (help documentation) of the software: …Creo 10.0\%datacode%\Common Files\help\reference\pma\usascii\configoptions.pdf These configuration options you can use for the application while editing your […]


Creo 8.0 includes a raft of new improvements designed to help you create better products, faster than ever. 1 Part Modeling New Sweep Tool Use the new volume sweep and helical sweep tools to create accurate 3D geometric […]


List of Mapkeys to increase your efficiency for Creo 1.0 – Creo 9.0


Quick example how you can manage trajpar parameter for a sweep feature in the Creo Parametric and Pro/ENGINEER Set into relations for Sweep feature: IF trajpar<=.05sd3=45ENDIFIF trajpar>.05 & trajpar<.95sd3=55ENDIFIF trajpar>=.95sd3=45ENDIF


The input parameters: SPACING (required hole spacing)MINIMUM_OFFSET (minimum distance from the boundary)LENGTH (total length) The output parameters: NUMBER_OF_MEMBERS (number of members in Pattern feature)OFFSET (real offset from the boundary) Write into Relations: Tools/Relations… NUMBER_OF_MEMBERS=(floor(abs(LENGTH-(MINIMUM_OFFSET2))/SPACING))+1 OFFSET=abs((LENGTH-((NUMBER_OF_MEMBERS-1)SPACING))/2)


Do you need to transform the Real Number Parameter to a String Parameter? It is easy with Relations: The input parameter: X=12.34567 (Real Number) The output parameter: Y=1.234 (String) Write into Relations: Tools>Relations… /* Number of DigitsND = […]


If your file name (model name, assembly name) is combined with DRAWING_NUMBER and MODEL_NAME separated by underscore “_” (254-33-03-008_wheel.prt) you can write relations for divide this file name to two parameters: DRAWING_NUMBER = 254-33-03-008 MODEL_NAME = WHEEL Write […]


Every Time you present the great steps of your work, you can use The Magnifier Tool to zoom in on the most interesting points from your presentation. Here is a small utility that will help you to be […]