
Linestock Parameters:

Parameter Name Definition
& Lists name(s) of line stock(s).
&asm.mbr.pipe.stock.User Defined Lists specified parameters for the line stock.
& Lists names of all pipelines using each line stock.
&asm.mbr.pipe.stock.line.User Defined    Lists parameters for the pipeline using the specified line stock.
&asm.mbr.pipe.stock.material Lists material for all line stocks.
&asm.mbr.pipe.stock.OD Lists outer diameter for line stocks.
&asm.mbr.pipe.stock.wallthick Lists wall thickness for line stocks.
&asm.mbr.pipe.stock.len.pre_cut Lists total precut length of each line stock.
& Lists total centerline length of each line stock.

Pipeline Parameters:

Parameter Name Definition
& Lists names of line stocks for each segment in the pipeline.
&asm.mbr.pipe.line.segment.stock.User Defined    Lists parameters for line stocks of which the pipeline is made.
& Lists names of all pipelines.
&asm.mbr.pipe.line.User Defined Lists parameters for each pipeline.
& Lists names of line stocks used in each pipeline.
&asm.mbr.pipe.line.stock.User Defined Lists parameters for line stocks used in pipeline.
&asm.mbr.pipe.line.len.pre_cut Lists precut length of each pipeline.
& Lists centerline length of each pipeline.
& Lists names of all segments in pipeline.
&asm.mbr.pipe.line.segment.solid_name Lists names of all solids (if defined) in pipeline.
&asm.mbr.pipe.line.segment.len.pre_cut Lists precut length of segments in pipeline.
& Lists centerline length of segments in pipeline.
&asm.mbr.pipe.line.segment.clk_ang.ang Lists clocking angle value from evaluate feature.
&asm.mbr.pipe.line.segment.clk_ang.cs1 Lists name of initial coordinate system for each clocking angle.
&asm.mbr.pipe.line.segment.clk_ang.cs2 Lists name of final coordinate system for each clocking angle.

User Defined Parameters:

The following Line Stock parameters are displayed as User Defined parameters.

• X_SECTION_TYPE (rectangular or circular)
• SECTION_TYPE (hollow or solid)
• OD
• SHAPE (straight OR flexible)
• CORNER_TYPES (fitting, bend, or miter cut)
• WT_LEN (weight/length)

The following Design Rule parameters are displayed as User Defined parameters


Pipe Segment Parameters:

Parameter Name Definition
& Lists system default name of the pipeline segments.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.solid_name    Lists solid part name for each segment (if defined).
& Lists line stock used in each segment.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.stock.User Defined Lists parameters in line stocks assigned to each segment.
& Lists name of pipeline to which each segment belongs.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.line.User Defined Lists pipeline parameters for each segment.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.len.pre_cut Lists precut length of each segment.
& Lists centerline length of each segment.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.segfrom Lists location from which each pipeline segment in the assembly is routed. This is the component to which the from entry port belongs.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.segto Lists the location to which each pipeline segment in the assembly is routed. This is the component to which the to entry port belongs.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.clk_ang.ang Lists clocking angle value of evaluate feature.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.clk_ang.cs1 Lists name of initial coordinate system for each clocking angle.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.clk_ang.cs2 Lists name of final coordinate system for each clocking angle.

Pipeline Segment Bend Information Parameters:

Parameter Name Definition
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.User Defined Lists a user-defined bend parameter.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.bend_name Lists the bend name created by the system.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.loc_angle Lists bend angle.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.loc_num Lists bend location bend number.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.loc_radius Lists bend radius.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.loc_x Lists x-offset bend location information.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.loc_y Lists y-offset bend location information.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.loc_z Lists z-offset bend location information.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.mach_bend Lists bend machine bend angle.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.mach_num Lists bend machine bend number.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.mach_offset Lists bend machine offset.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.mach_radius Lists bend machine bend radius.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.csys.bend.mach_twist Lists bend machine twist angle.
& Lists coordinate system name for segment bend information.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.mach_csys.bend.User Defined    Lists a user-defined bend parameter.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.mach_csys.bend.bend_name Lists the bend name created by the system.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.mach_csys.bend.mach_bend Lists bend machine bend angle.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.mach_csys.bend.mach_num Lists bend machine number.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.mach_csys.bend.mach_offset Lists bend machine offset.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.mach_csys.bend.mach_radius Lists bend machine radius.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.mach_csys.bend.mach_twist Lists bend machine twist angle.
& Lists name of coordinate system with bend machine information.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.User Defined Lists a user-defined bend parameter.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.bend_name Lists the bend name created by the system.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_angle Lists bend location bend angle.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_num Shows bend location bend number.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_radius Lists bend location bend radius.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_x Lists x-offset bend location information.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_y Lists y-offset bend location information.
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.loc_csys.bend.loc_z Lists z-offset bend location information.
& Lists coordinate system name for segment bend location information.

Holes Report Parameters:

Parameter Name Definition
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.holes.holes_params.hole_num List holes report number
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.holes.holes_params.hole_offset    List holes report offset
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.holes.holes_params.hole_angle List holes report angle
&asm.mbr.pipe.segment.holes.holes_param..hole_diam List holes report diameter

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